How everything begins
Our history begins in the 50s when Ángel Rodríguez Moreno, natural of Valdelacasa, province of Salamanca, starts the farm activity dedicated to fatten pigs in Cerrado Farm located in Carmona.
Years later, his son Ángel Rodríguez Hernández takes the relay and takes over the Farm /Estate/. Following his father’s tradition he carries out a reform in order to enlarge the facilities and improves the livestock farming.
By then, we associate with Sanchez- Romero Carvajal, famous hams 5J of Jabugo owners and for several years we become collaborators.
In 2008, his grandson David Rodríguez Alonso, after having lived and participated in the farm evolution, assumes the management of the Farm. The generational renewal brings with its updates and improvements to adapt to the actual market.
In 2017 after 35 years of experience, Daniel decides to elaborate his own hams and ham shoulders of his livestock exploitation. The Iberians of Valdelacasa are born. A homage to our beginnings, to the person who inculcated us the value of a well-done work, quality and respect of our Mother Earth, which has given us so much and keeps giving us.
Feeding, key to achieve a good.
Our product
Our pigs have an important particularity and differentiator. Thanks to the nutritional investigation we have considerably improved the quality of the meats, nowadays our animals are fed with a diet which allows to obtain products much healthier: the HIGH OLEIC, a feeding that produces a flavour and a quality closer to the pig of acorn, the colour of the meats are more intense and homogeneous, the aroma has a greater curing hue, and lower acidity levels.
The Valdelacasa hams and ham shoulders are cured in a drying room located in El Repilado, the town next to Jabugo. The long history and experience of the place, besides a microclimate with unsurpassable environmental conditions, ensure a perfect curing for our pieces.
The curing process in this area gives a special flavour to our hams and ham shoulders.

Our brand
Ibéricos Valdelacasa. Divine Hams.
The field and livestock require a lot of work, effort and sacrifice to get a quality product. That is what we have wanted to convey with our brand image.
Our slogan “Divinos Jamones” / “Divine Hams” and our friendly “Cerdito Ángel” / “Angel little Pig” symbolize that sacrifice, that effort to achieve the excellence, because only the good ones can reach The Heaven.